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Sidney Parenting Tips

7 principles NEWBORN CARE care of the newborn infant care

The skin of newborn requires special treatment. Properly caring for it, you avoid problems. See how it should look proper care of the newborn.

The infant is sensitive, not quite mature skin almost a third birthday (because so much time is needed to skin became thicker, and loosely arranged cells began to adhere closely to each other). But the first month of his life is a period of particularly sensitive. The skin immediately after birth is very delicate and it can penetrate some of the ingredients in cosmetics. And caregivers often lack experience in the care of the newborn. It is easy then for errors that may result in painful for the little boy problems, such as sores.
Care Newborn: as often as possible to scroll child

Do this immediately after each pile, and if the boy did not do it, scroll it back up after two hours since the last change diapers. Once these recommendations have not been so strict, but now we know that this frequent scrolling is essential to preventing diaper rash - the point is that the infant skin was as short as possible contact with urine and feces that run on it irritating.
Newborn care: do not lubricate the ass cream without the express needs

Barrier creams against chafing in infants is not recommended due to the fact that their skin can transmit some of the ingredients contained in cosmetics. This can be done eg. During the evening scroll, because then the little boy sleeps in a diaper the next few hours, and then the cream is an additional skin protection. There is one exception to this rule - do not use cream if nappies, which bears the boy, not only absorb urine, but also the neonatal loose stools. These diapers have channels that clog cream, by which urine and faeces not be soaked in it, and are next to the skin.
Newborn care: Use a minimum amount of cosmetics

This rule applies to cosmetics, which do not rinse from the skin, and therefore anti-chafing cream, lotion or olives. For skin the infant will be healthier if you overlap them with a thin layer. In this case it does not mean much good, because excess lotion or olives can clog the pores of the skin, leading to irritation.

Care Newborn: try to bathe the baby every day

A few years ago I advocated bath every second, third day to unnecessarily desiccate the skin. However, modern cosmetics changed the approach to this subject. Bath not only update the child and removes dirt from the skin, but also - if the water you add emollients - will take care of it, helping to reduce excessive dryness. Water for bathing a newborn does not need to be disinfected using an extract of chamomile (Azulan). No need to be a cook to evaporate the chlorine.
Care Newborn: navel cared

A few years ago they changed the rules of caring stump of the umbilical cord. No decontamination of alcohol anymore, but wash with soap while bathing, then gently dry it and leave for some time exposed, wrap the diaper and gown. These methods prevent infection as effectively as disinfection. If you have problems, navel needs to be nurtured fluid called Octenisept.

Newborn care: as soon dispose of cradle cap

Yellow scales on the head may be seen in the first week of life. They are not dangerous, but remain aesthetic problem. The easiest way to get rid of them, fifteen minutes before bathing the baby smearing olive head and then comb it with a hair brush and wash them.
Care Newborn: use gentle cosmetics

Choose preparations which have the least ingredients and do not contain fragrances and strong detergents, because they are the safest for the skin newborn. The fewer the ingredients, the less risk of irritation and sensitization.
Newborn care: nourishes the skin

During the first weeks it can be dry, it can also peel off. This is quite normal, but the skin need extra grease. The most effective is the olive, which lubricates the body and face of the child after the evening bath. It is important to use it much - too much and so will flow from the skin, and it can get, for example. To the mouth (as happened to smear his mouth). Olive apply only for the first month of life (unless later the skin is dry). Instead, you can apply a body lotion for babies.
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